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Briefing de design - Identidade Visual 

Your data:
1) Name
2) Email
3) WhatsApp

4) Company size (Informal, MEI, Micro, Small or large)

About your audience:

1) Who is your audience?

2) Where is it located?

3) Age range?

4) Education?

5) Social class? 

Tell me about your company:

1) What is it about?

2) What are the products/services offered?

3) How long has it been around?

4) What is your mission, vision and values?

5) Do you have a physical store too?

6) Describe her with 2 words!

7) Describe her with 1 word!

Your competitors:

1) List your local competitors.

2) List your regional competitors here.

Provide links (website, Facebook and Instagram) if possible.

3) TheHow is it different from your competitors?


1) List of 3 brands that you consider onegood image reference.

2) List of3brands you consider abad image reference.

3) What will be the text signed on the brand?

4) Does it have a signature slogan? 

Selecione características da marca (pode ser mais de 1 opção)
Selecione a paleta de cores que a marca deveria ter (pode ser mais de 1 opção):

Obrigado pelo envio!

  • Instagram ícone social
  • Whats

Postgraduate professional designer,  bringing solutions for graphic projects, visual identity design, signage, promotional design, stand design, products and  packaging, advertising campaigns, marketing and internal marketing.


Alfredo de Pinho 2.png

Seus detalhes foram enviados com sucesso!

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